Sunday, July 6, 2008

finally catching up

As mentioned before, I am convinced that Owen is at least a month behind on development because he seriously slept for an entire month. Ask anyone that came to see him his first few months of life, he was always asleep. The child LOVES his sleep...which has been a life saver.

However, in the past few weeks Owen has started to roll, has learned to sit up by himself and today, pulled himself up. He was so proud of himself. clarify, he did not pull himself up to a standing position but did pull up from laying down to sitting. I am pretty impressed considering I thought that he was perfectly content always laying down or jumping in his jumperoo.

We went swimming on July 4th and he actually did really well. He was a bit hesitant of the cool water but once he figured out that his $20 baby float could also lounge he was cool as a cucumber splashing and playing with me and Nana in the pool. Mom took some pictures so as soon as I get those I will post. He was cute. He did have to leave his shirt on though which took me back to the days when I was a chubby kid (now chubby adult...apparently I don't like change) when I would wear my t-shirt in the pool but, we had to protect Owen's very fair skin from the sun. As a side note, it is official that my skin repels the sun since I got nothing but a sun blotch on my leg that I doubt will turn into tan. I also need a new bathing suit since the tankini that I sported a few years ago is now a bikini and NOT attractive.

We are booked for the entire month of July which is actually good because it makes the time fly by. We get to head to Athens on Saturday to see Gus, Cooper and Monica. Monica is expecting her first in January so I am hoping that Owen is on his best behavior. Jeff's family is coming into town from Vegas and we have not seen them in YEARS and then....the MADDENS ARRIVE. I am too excited. More so because Preggie McMadden will be arriving and that makes me smile but because I have not seen her two boys in forever and they always make me happy.

I am Bummed with a capital B that the long weekend is over and now I have to go back to work. I enjoy my downtime but we gotta pay the bills.

Well...all caught up. Jeff's birthday is Wednesday and I have NO idea what to get him and have NO idea when I will head to the store to do a little shopping but I will fit it in somehow. Thankfully I have already purchased Dad's. One down, one to go...
