Monday, December 22, 2008

Everyone else is on vaca - why not me

Oh I know why...because this time last year I was at home with a wonderful, perfect, angel of a baby to enjoy my maternity leave all while using most if not ALL of my sick and vacation days for 2008. Thankfully I work for some awesome people so I was able to take days off here and there but I am not brave enough to test the waters to request days off right around the holidays so I am work...bummed...and ALONE.

The reason I am so bummed about being alone...KINDREDLY is off. Seriously!?!?! THIS STINKS. Of course I love her tons but the reason it stinks is...I FINISHED TWILIGHT, MOVED ON TO NEW MOON and I have NO ONE TO DISCUSS EDWARD WITH. My co-worker brought in her 12 year old daughter and I have been discussing my love for Edward with her all morning. THIS IS SAD.
(In case you don't follow, Leslie and Ashley talked up Twilight so much during an awesome dinner I had with them that I could not help myself when I went to Target that weekend and found it on sale for $8.37. I find no harm in ever buying something for myself under $10. I picked it up, started reading and NEVER PUT IT DOWN. I swear, it is probably as thick as Pride and Prejudice and I finished it in less than a week. Yesterday while Targeting again, I picked up New Moon (again $8.37..beat that Amazon) and could not be more irritated that a)I am at work, b)my boss is here...seriously of all days and c)have a meeting at 2 pm in DOUGLASVILLE with Crazy Lady. I thought of a million things in my ride to work to call her up with telling her that I could not meet her. I just have to get it over with. Edward, we will be together soon enough.

I may have been more prepared for mother hood if the baby books were this good. The only one I read was A Girlfriends Guide because it was silly and did not use big words.

The Twilight series is in the Pre-Teen section of the book store in case you were wondering why you never saw it. I explained to my friend Ray that since I do not consider myself very smart...these books are also on my level. Until Jen Lancaster puts out another series...I am living in Forks and searching for my Dear Edward. However, the 12 year old that is here in the office today did tell me that I could go on Team Jacob when I get more involved in the book.

So...Kindredly if you are out there...hit a girlfriend up!!! We must discuss. I think the 12 year old is tired of my questions because she did say...Why would someone as old as you like the book. OLD AS ME???

Also, my cousins 20 year old girlfriend called ma'am last night. Apparently I am starting to look old.


B said...

Oh my goodness, you are just now reading it!? They just get better and better. I can't wait to hear what you think about the whole series once you are finished. Team Edward or Team Jacob is a tough decision that you face. I personally want Jacob for myself though. =)

Tiffany said...

I've been thinking about reading these. I like reading some of the books written for the teen crowd. I absolutely loved the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series. Maybe I'll start reading these while we are on Christmas vacation, they sound totally addicting. When I get into a book like that I'll stay up half the night reading.

l.e.b. said...

Team Edward...all the way.

ashley said...

I'm half way through Breaking Dawn, and I'm still barking up old Eddie's tree. I LOVE EDWARD. I want to stop commenting right now to go finish reading...

I'm sorry I've been out and unable to discuss Twilight. Has your child been properly fed while you've been doing all this reading?? I'll be in the office tomorrow....I do have to actually WORK since I'm only going in for a few hours, but we can IM about all things Twilight while I call crackheads.