Thursday, October 1, 2009

Update on the Prince

Sam is eating and using the potty. GOOD SIGN.

However, he is still unable to put much weight on his back left leg, although, I did see him jump off the bed the other day...granted it was after I put him on the bed but still, he was able to jump off and land, on all fours.

I believe it is time though to take him back to see Dr. Les and get this leg looked at. I feel bad for him, especially since he refuses to join in on family fun and just runs back under the bed after eating, drinking and using the restroom.
Is it possible to have a depressed cat?

Typically Sam has always been a bit of a social recluse...but this is just beyond ridiculous.
The sore (or sort of sore) on his leg is was never really a sore (MOM) but more of just a mark where you can tell he was trying to nurse it back to health...or whatever it is that cats do. I swear, if they have to put the cat on wheels, I am not sure what I will do.

THANKFULLY, he only wants to stay indoors so...maybe Jeff won all the battles but lost the major war.

Making the appointment now...updates to come later!

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