Friday, October 17, 2008

my apologies

I know I have not posted a picture of myself with my new dark do but I have not felt pretty enough to stand on the other side of the camera. Plus, every time something social comes up, it also starts to rain and this natural curl girl don't look good in the rain. Years and years of using the hair dryer to object to what God gave me now turns into a frizzy mess when he showers us with love. (That was for you Tiffany)

My thoughts were to take a cute picture of me and the Bigger Baby tonight whilst at the Ryan Adams concert (no...not summer of '69 guy) but it is raining and...again, not feeling pretty.

However, enough about me, this is all things Owen.

Not much going on with the little fella. Still not crawling but some how he does make it around a room. It is more of a butt shuffle. I cannot say that I am not bummed out about his slow to develop ways but I still think he is the most perfect creation in the world so I count my blessings! I actually think he may be a little bit of a comedian - his personality sparkles - and we all know that the world can always use laughter.

He just makes me happy!

I made an appointment to see Santa at Phipps Plaza on November 14th. Owen wanted to make sure that Santa had his list long before December...since he has been such a good boy. While I know that this is not officially Owen's first Christmas, last year he slept and I felt gross (seeing as how I had just pushed out a 9 lb baby 9 days before) I am really excited about this year. I am more organized about the Santa visit than I am at work. Probably should not announce that...what up boss man!!!

But, making an appointment to see Santa...this may just be a little too much. If the picture turns out okay, expect to see Greetings from the Ferguson's in your mail box this holiday season.

Before we speak to Santa though, we must get through Halloween...and my little Sock Monkey cannot wait to trick or treat...and yes he will want candy because his mom needs a sugar fix.

This year is flying by...can you believe it?



Ingle Nook said...

No excuses...I still want to see your hair!

ashley said...

what is Butt-Scoot Owen going to be for Halloween?

So, with a Santa appointment, does this mean you get to go to the front of the line?

Grammy said...

Butt Scoot Owen makes me think of the song Boot Scoot and Boogie!!

Butt-Scott and boogie Owen!! Sweetest baby boy.
He and Brayden need another play date....