Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year...who needs it

Me...I need it. I love love love New Years. It is the only time of the year that I can start fresh, change bad habits and become a better person. LOVE IT. I make the same resolutions every year, every year by Valentines Day I have forgotten about them and resolve that by my birthday things will change. This year is no different. (Aside from the fact that I am still hopeful that I may keep at least one resolution by Valentine's Day)

This year I resolve to -
1. Loose weight. Size does matter and so does the number in my pants. (did that sound gross?) I measure myself by the giant number on the tag. Cute or not if I am still a big girl...I am still a big girl. Now, I like my curves...I want to be curvy, what I am now is round...and no one wants to be asked "why are you so round".

2. Be a more patient person. This is going to take some skill. I have a one year that has hit his terrible two's, my work place is crazy ridiculous and I drive daily in Atlanta traffic. I think it can be done but if you hear a story of a lady with her head in the oven...well, that lady just may be me. I am not promising anything and suggest you check back in after mid February.

3. Enjoy more adult time. Yes, I am that mother who gets anxiety about leaving her child. Not that I ever mistrust the people I leave him with but because I am a day care mommy I feel horrible leaving Owen on the weekends. However, I am slowly going insane and need to see a movie, drink an adult beverage and listen to good music all while spending time with other adults...including my hubby. Once a month (and I am sure Papa will be holding me to this)

4. Exercise. This is on down the list because well...I am just not all that active. However, tying all of this in I have decided to check out the local yoga studio in town (if I can get them to call me back or pick up the phone). I like working out but I do not enjoy the whole drive to the gym thing, get dressed, work out, get back into my car, sit in traffic all while smelling myself because lets face other southern women may glisten, I just sweat. And, I believe that since I have seen it work wonders with other people, yoga just may be my ticket to loosing the weight, becoming more patient and spending time with other adults. Win Win. Now...again, I need to get in touch with them to see the cost, etc. Heck, I have a yoga mat somewhere...I am prepared.

5. Read more. This should be easy since I am obsessed with Twilight the series. I have googled if you like Twilight then you will love...and have come up with a few that I need to purchase ASAP. I hope I get as caught up with them as I am with the Twilight series because as campy as they may be, at lets be honest, a glowing vampire with a heart of gold is sort of campy, I still cannot put the books down. I am 100% team Edward but wish Jacob the best of luck.

6. Learn a hobby. This may be easy seeing as how I have given mom the gift of knitting for Christmas. Hopefully if Caboose does not arrive early we will be going this weekend to learn how to make all of you beautiful scarfs and oven mitts! Happy Birthday Gus Gus.

7. Visit Wisconsin. I seriously have not been to Satan's Pants in years and need to see my awesome nephews in their element. I have already begun my search for the best ticket prices and asked Clark Howard for tips. Waiting on an email back Clark!

8. Pay off my debt. Seriously, I watch the news, the economic forecast is not great but I do have a job, I do have bills and seriously, what is more American than paying off what you owe. I call that Jill's stimulus package. Thanks for the education GCSU, your check is in the mail.

I think 8 is enough...right. Too many and it becomes too hard to handle. 8 is a good even number and can be worked with. I think I can accomplish 8 things this least.

I guess I could make 9 be blog more...but that is just pressure. I never have topics. Maybe more about knitting with Jane and booze with friends. We shall see.

Until then...



Peaches and Cheese said...

$218 round trip to Appleton (Owen would be free). Midwest Express - book before Jan. 13th. Get on the stick Jill...

ashley said...

Are we still on for Friday? Twilight the movie? We can booze beforehand if you want...:)

B said...

Love the goals! Hope they work out. Resolutions are too much pressure for me. I hope they are much much easier for you this year!