Monday, July 20, 2009

It's a....


Can you believe it...a girl. I am super excited.

We found out Thursday after a disappointing visit to the ultrasound tech on Wednesday that we are having a girl. The story short as I can make it, the tech could not tell what gender the baby was on Wednesday. I was very frustrated...I mean, the whole gang is there for the big reveal, can you please let me drink a cup of water and walk around so we can try this again? NOPE. So with that, baby girl Jill walked out in a disappointing huff and called the first ultrasound boutique I could find...after emailing many friends asking if I was crazy for doing so. Thankfully they all told the emotional pregnant girl that no, I was not crazy. (Looking back...yes, yes I was crazy but I HAD to know)

So, on Thursday Mom and I headed to Buckhead to Stork Vision (love this place) to get the answer. Girl indeed. Let the fun begin!!!!

The better news is that all is healthy and baby is growing well. She is actually measuring a little big based on my due date but so far the doctor does not think we should adjust the date just yet. She will check me out again in a few months to see how we are doing. AND...I do NOT have gestational diabetes this go around. Go figure. I was sure I was going to have to prick my finger for five months again but is better at sharing than her brother was. I am hopeful that Baby Girl Ferguson will not be a 9 pounder like her brother.

My head is already spinning about the things I get (want) to buy for Baby Girl Ferguson. I am also fighting a hard fight for the name I like. We have time but I do LOVE a monogram!!!

I hope that she is a ham like her brother and easy going like her father.

Let the pink parade begin...
And yes Cheryl, you can mix Pink and Red...HELLO, Valentines Day!!!!


Ingle Nook said...

I stand corrected on the Valentines Day decor! You and Jane will be CRAZY ladies shopping for little girl Fergie! Have fun.

Les said...

Just now checking your blog for the first time in FOREVER!

Um-I just need to interject that I LOVE Pink and Red together! (You know how I love Valentines Day and all things Valentine) Are you thinking about doing the nursery in pink and red? I would think you'd have a room in nothing BUT pink...perhaps blush and bashful?