Friday, July 31, 2009

Decisions are being made

I think I have FINALLY decided on bedding for the shared nursery. It is exactly what I have been looking for and while it is a little expensive (for my taste have two kids and tell me it does not put a dent in your checkbook) I think it's what I am going with.

My idea is that Baby Girl Ferguson (name still to be determined) will of course use the bumper. Owen will use the quilt on his big boy bed. Yes, I know it will not "fit" so he will get a plain khaki bedspread and this will be his "throw" at the foot of the bed. all ties in.

Now, I sort of think its a bit masculine. Mom and Jessica believe (and I trust their judgment) that we can girl up her portion of the room.

I am really going to miss Owen's room though. It has been my favorite room of the house ever since we were able to decorate around the orange and have it turn out adorable. I think this will be equally as adorable and I cannot wait to start decorating. However, I DREAD moving everything around in that house and cannot seem to hammer down a date for Jeff to start working on that.
Any volunteers????

That ought to be an adventure...for sure.

I wish I could take the roof off, rent a crane and move things around that like.

I just have to keep telling myself that if we got it into the room, we can get it out. Hopefully without destroying the furniture or the walls.

Updates to come soon.

bedding from

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Samuel no lika his swollen paw

**** UPDATE****
The swollen paw is no more. It must have just been a bee sting or something because the paw is fine. He is not limping and has gone back to his usual lovable self...aka, he is mean to Jeff and LOVES me. All is right in the world!!!
I have canceled the appointment with Dr. Les so that I do not waste his time with a cat that has no at least.

Just so you Prince Samuel J. Ray has a swollen paw and it is making his mommy very nervous and sad.

Thankfully, Dr. Les is going to see us tomorrow afternoon at 4:15 to check it out.


It is pitiful. I will try to take a picture tonight but he no lika me right now and no lika having his photo taken...

Tomorrow should be an adventure...what with me and Owen taking the crazy cat to the vet's office.

Thankfully Jeff is helping but I still see ruckus and destruction in our midst.

Swollen paw cat who will not be in a cat carrier - because he overheats from the stress.
Crazy toddler who cannot sit still
Big silly dogs waiting to be seen by Dr. Les and staff
Crazy toddler crying because of smells and noises
Swollen paw cat scratching his way to safety
Crazy toddler running after cat to grab a hold of fuzzy tail
Frustrated husband who is pursing his lips because I will some how "not be helping"
Pregnant emotional girl crying at the thought of being told something is major wrong with fuzzy child

But, you never know, all could be super easy and a breeze.
Doubtful...with this crew, it never is!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Where do I even begin

I am actually breaking away from the stacks of work that have piled up on my desk to do a little blogging. My job is KILLING me these days. The "economy" or lack thereof has hit the real estate world and while I do not sell it (thank God) I manage it and lets just say, if I had a dollar for every person that called in regarding their need for a decrease in rent...I would not have to work. BLAH.

Enough about that...

I would like to send a special thank you to the girl in the white jeep in front of me at the McDonald's on Clairmont and...what's that road it crosses know the one I am talking about...jeez...for the life of me I cannot remember the know, in Decatur...AHHHH.....

I ordered my typical ice coffee and yes...biscuit (because I am out of Fiber 1 Bars) and as I went to the window to pay I was told the lady in front had already paid for my breakfast. I seriously teared up. I was so overcome that I totally forgot to ask the amount of the person behind me so I could pay for theirs so I was probably the person that ended the day long "Pay it Forward" breakfast. Oh well...I shall try again. BUT, I tried to thank her and she was too busy lighting her cigarette to see that I was attempting to get her attention, or maybe she did not want to be thanked in person so...Blogging World, Lady in Jeep, if you Read you.

I never knew that really happened. could not have happened on a better day when
a) Owen cried for a good two hours last night because he had a bad dream
b) it's raining today
c) I had two work calls before 7 am
d) Good Morning America said that pregnant people are more likely to die of Swine Flu and now I am convinced that anyone coughing near me is going to spread their germs and I will have to be put in a coma in order to take this pregnancy to term....ahhhhh
Bigger Baby said I had to turn the tv off...I was not mature enough to handle this information.

AND...boss LADY is buying lunch today for the office. Pizza...not my favorite but I am not complaining.

So, on another note, the nursery design idea is still up in the air. Why do I have to like things that are expensive? Why is it that all of the things I like are out of my price range? I try to be practical...I mean, the bedding is going to be used by a child...a child mind you that cannot use the restroom on his or her own. I cannot justify spending oodles of money on bedding that is beautiful when the person using it may or may not use it as a toilet. However, all of the items that are less expensive are shall I say...UGLY. At least the things I have seen. Grrr...
And...why do people INSIST on designing toddler bedding or children's bedding with silly cartoons or designs on them. If he does not have ADD yet he will after sleeping in some of the things they sell at the stores. Good Grief! I do not think my eyes can handle walking in there every morning and being greeted by neon race cars or glow in the dark spaceships.

I need to come up with a plan and stick to it.
Goal...finalize idea and clear it with mom...then start shopping!!!!!!!

This makes me sleepy...and I think the "pizza" is here.

Monday, July 20, 2009

It's a....


Can you believe it...a girl. I am super excited.

We found out Thursday after a disappointing visit to the ultrasound tech on Wednesday that we are having a girl. The story short as I can make it, the tech could not tell what gender the baby was on Wednesday. I was very frustrated...I mean, the whole gang is there for the big reveal, can you please let me drink a cup of water and walk around so we can try this again? NOPE. So with that, baby girl Jill walked out in a disappointing huff and called the first ultrasound boutique I could find...after emailing many friends asking if I was crazy for doing so. Thankfully they all told the emotional pregnant girl that no, I was not crazy. (Looking back...yes, yes I was crazy but I HAD to know)

So, on Thursday Mom and I headed to Buckhead to Stork Vision (love this place) to get the answer. Girl indeed. Let the fun begin!!!!

The better news is that all is healthy and baby is growing well. She is actually measuring a little big based on my due date but so far the doctor does not think we should adjust the date just yet. She will check me out again in a few months to see how we are doing. AND...I do NOT have gestational diabetes this go around. Go figure. I was sure I was going to have to prick my finger for five months again but is better at sharing than her brother was. I am hopeful that Baby Girl Ferguson will not be a 9 pounder like her brother.

My head is already spinning about the things I get (want) to buy for Baby Girl Ferguson. I am also fighting a hard fight for the name I like. We have time but I do LOVE a monogram!!!

I hope that she is a ham like her brother and easy going like her father.

Let the pink parade begin...
And yes Cheryl, you can mix Pink and Red...HELLO, Valentines Day!!!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

to the half way mark

Well, we have reached it...ALMOST...on Thursday I will be 20 weeks along, which means that I have another 20 weeks of giant glory until Baby Ferguson Part 2 makes his or her debut.

Ashley did a similar post so I thought that I would do the same to update the baby status. This week, BF2 is the size of a tomato which surprisingly I am craving these days.

We find out NEXT Wednesday July 15th at 1 pm if this baby is Boy or Girl. My money is on Girl, Jeff thinks Boy but we shall see. Either way, I think the baby has to watch out because having crazy Big Brother Owen in the house will be something he or she may have to dodge.

The 4th was GREAT. We went swimming on Saturday and at first I was really afraid that Owen would hate the water. Bath time is horrible at the house so for the first 15 minutes or so he screamed. Nana coached him along and by the end of the two or so hours we spent in the pool he was ready to jump off the sides. Too cute! I was really proud of my water baby! He was sleepy I think we may be spending a lot more time at Pool Nelson this summer to wear him out.

As soon as Dad sends some pictures over I will post some. I have a few of Owen in the pool last year so I cannot wait for the side by side comparison. He is such a big boy is amazing.

Until next time...